Growing up Haunted in Sydney Part 18 Astral Travel

Have you read the previous parts of this story? Growing up Haunted in Sydney Part 1

Having grown up ‘open minded’ I came to accept the physical world we know, isn’t quite as constrained and orderly as skeptics need to believe. I had seen things that can’t be explained by traditional science – so in theory anything was possible… wasn’t it?

The first hint I could astral travel had happened spontaneously during high school when I thought I had dreamed of going to a friend’s place and seeing something specific going on with her dog. The dog seemed to be sick and my friend was crying and I seemed to watch this scene as if I was standing in it (like a dream) but I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying, like a movie with the sound turned down – but you can still work out what’s going on in the scene.

The next morning when I told my friend …

January 2nd, 2010 by Caretaker 

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