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One Eyed Demon

My family and I have been plagued for the past four months by a demonic curse that was placed on our house in the fifties, apparently.

About two weeks after we moved in, my seven year old daughter Fragrance noticed odd patches of damp appearing on the bare stone walls. This stream of damp centered itself around the pictures of our family that adorn the walls.

After a few occurrences I plucked up the courage to test it. The fluid was warm to the touch and sticky so that it adhered to the wall like glue. We put this down to the high levels of rain and perhaps a faulty pipe. But soon after streams of it began shooting through the air from an unknown source that we were never fast enough to identify.

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From Category: Demons,General Paranormal

Tags: Demons
March 5th, 2008


Strange Experience Fishing In Canada

Here is the story of a family’s encounter with the paranormal while in Canada. 

Over the summer, my cousin Louise and her father, my cousin jack and his father, and me and my father went on a fishing trip to Canada. It was Canada Day while we were there, which is July 1st.

There were a lot of fireworks and we all decided to go onto our dock and watch. This particular night was very clear and cold. The fireworks were having the grand finale when all of us thought we heard something on the other dock. It sounded as if someone had just cast their line into the water. Of course, all the dad’s acted as if they never heard anything, but we knew they did because when it happened everyone went silent to see what it was.

All of the kids got together and asked each other if we had heard the splash. We all heard it! Then …

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From Category: General Paranormal

March 4th, 2008

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Ghost Lady In A Red Night Gown

I swear every part of this story to be true you chose if you believe me or not.

I live in a really old haunted house, most of it is over a hundred years old. It belonged to my great-grand parents who traded a pick up truck for it in the early 1900′s. My Grandpa was born in what is now our dinning room. It was left to my mother and I have lived in it my whole life. I am 20 years old.

I know my great grand mothers (who died three days before I was born)sprit is in that house, I feel her all the time and she does little things to remind me she is there and I talk to her often(when I have things in my life I can’t handle). But other than her I have never seen another ghost.

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

March 3rd, 2008


The True Story of the Excorcism Emily Rose

The number one box office hit in the USA in 2005 was The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Appealing to lovers of the paranormal, the movie portrayed a young girl possessed by demons and entailed her suffering and the many exorcism rites she’d endured to be freed.

The real Emily Rose, Anneliese Michel was a young, beautiful woman on her way to a career in elementary education. She was born on September 21, 1952, in a small village in Bavaria.

At the young age of 17, Anneliese’s life turned into a nightmare. She began having unusual Anneliese Michel the real Emily Roseseizures during the night, she’d described the symptoms as paralysis, a enormous weight on her chest, her body becoming rigid and she wouldn’t be able to speak.

Doctors at the Psychiatric Clinic in Wurzburg diagnosed Anneliese as suffering from Grand Mal epileptic seizures. After the occurrence of her third seizure, she spent close to a year in a psychiatric hospital in Mittleberg.   

During her …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Demons
March 2nd, 2008


Crop Circles Are They Messages From The Gods?

Crop circles have a universal language of geometry. I believe that the ancient sites of Crop CirclesEngland and leylines have something to do with the crop circle phenomenon.

Somehow these crop circles are changing our perspective of life and our consciousness.

Crop circles have been seen since the 7th century, before two guys appeared before BBC and made claim that they created the crop circles with sticks and rope. Could these two men that make this claim have created over 10,000 reported crop circles in 26 countries?

Crop circles that are so geometrically complex, that you have to be a mathematician with a genius level of intelligence to create them? For example there is a double helix of DNA strand type of crop circle, that would be impossible for humans to create.

Crop CirclesWith a closer look the grain stems are arranged in a concentric manner. The plants should be destroyed by the circle creations, but yet they survive. Upon closer …

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From Category: General Paranormal

March 1st, 2008


My Imaginary Friends Were Ghosts

Ever since I was a little girl I can remember talking to kids, well at least I thought they were real like me. I had two imaginary friends which with time I found they were once like me.

I lived in a home where we had a huge yard that had a little house as if someone had lived there. The house we lived in was very old and the little house in the backyard seemed more old, and creepy I would say. It was locked when we first moved in but my dad opened it as extra storage for our things. In it were old toys and clothing of two little kids, a boy and a girl. My mom never told me about the clothes until later but I kept the toys.

I would talk to a little girl about my age, I was five at the time and her brother was seven, he did not talk much. She …

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February 29th, 2008


My Mums Haunted Pub

My mum, who is very superstitious, used to own a pub (The Auld Hoose). After three yearsy mum ended up selling the pub and moving into a new job.

Later in the year of 2007 the owner of the Auld Hoose asked my mum to be the manager and my mum thought of this idea and became manager. I would only have been 13 at the time of my mum first owning the pub but I still went in at weekends to help out with cleaning and stuff, still being young I would go through the back by myself to the function hall to play little games, but every time I cold have sworn there was someone there.

Sometimes it would freak me out but I just ignored it. Everyone who then worked there used to feel it too. When my mum went back into the pub the feelings got worse and people started to see things like people …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

February 28th, 2008


Strange Australian Outback Phenomena

I live in the Australian bushland. We have a ghost in an abandoned piggery (old day pig slaughter house) a few meters from the shed that I live in. It follows you when you walk past the slaughter house. You can feel it like its inches from your back, looking at the back of your head. You also you get the feeling that it wants you to get the hell away as you walk by. I have walked past it 100 or so times over the last 15 years walking to my neighbors house. It only happens at night and it scares the hell out of you.

We use to know the neighbors who lived their when we first moved here 15 years ago. When they lived there they told me and my family that one day they brought home a cupboard. One day they took a photo with the cupboard in the picture and sitting beside the cupboard was …

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February 27th, 2008


Ghost in Littlerock, Arkansas

In December 2004 My husband (Dan) and I flew to Littlerock, Arkansas to spend Christmas with our Daughter (Amber & her husband Parker). When we arrived at the airport at 8:45 pm our daughter and her husband were there to pick us up and take us to their house that they were renting.

On the way there Parker was telling us about some strange things that had been happening there at their house, like an attic door that the house has but you need a ladder to get to it. Anyhow, Parker said that the attic door is hard to open and when they leave the house and come back home again the attic door is always open.

Well, when we got to their house my husband had Parker show him the attic door. When Parker showed him the door it was opened and Parker had to go get the ladder out of the garage. My husband climbed up the …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

February 26th, 2008


The Beast And The Haunted House

The Beast And The Haunted House

During my freshmen year in high school we moved to that house. The house started off normal and seemed like everything would be fine.

After moving in I started hearing voices as I was trying to sleep. I didn’t tell anyone for the longest time because I thought they would think I was crazy. After that I started waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat for no reason, except the fact that I could feel eyes on me.

Then I started waking up with scars all over my body that were never there before. It was like I was being scratched in the night and they healed before the morning. At this point I started freaking out and finally told my mom. She didn’t really know what to do and had no idea how to stop it.

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From Category: General Paranormal

February 25th, 2008


Hair-Raising Experience on Campus

It is believed in the Asian culture that whenever one walks into a sudden freezing cold spot causing hair to stand on end immediately, one encounters a spirit or a ghost.

On a sunny humid mid-afternoon, I was walking from a lecture hall towards the campus library. Trying to avoid getting myself darkened from the strong rays of the sun, I opened my umbrella and walked downhill till I came to a shortcut towards the campus library. The shortcut was shadier with creepers overhead the narrow walkway forming a canopy of foliage shading the walkway. I decided to use the shortcut as I needed to borrow a book quickly before going for another tutorial. As I was traipsing on the narrow unmaintained walkway on my heeled sandals, I seemed to run into something.

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From Category: General Paranormal

February 24th, 2008

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Weird Ghostly And Paranormal Experiences

Here is a list of some of the freaky paranormal things that me and my family have experienced:

- One time I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and the second I set foot out of the bathroom the huge mirror that was hanging there (which wasn’t lose or anything) fell down.

- In our old home my mother and sister were standing in the kitchen and saw knives jump off the counter to the floor.

- In that same house I was behind my computer one night and dishes that were standing on the counter all fell down, the strange thing is that they fell too far from the place they were standing for it to be natural.

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From Category: General Paranormal

February 23rd, 2008

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