Brown Lady of Raynam Hall, England Ghost Picture

This ghost is known as the Brown Lady of Raynam Hall, England. The picture was originally taken in 1936 by Indre Shira and Captain Provand, photographers working for the Country Life magazine. The photographers were shooting in the hall when they noticed the apparition.

The first reported sighting of the The Brown Lady Ghost was in 1836 when Colonel Loftus said he saw her in a brown dress. Loftus reported that her eye sockets were empty. Later on Capt, Frederick Marryat spent a night in the same room hoping to get a look at the ghost. Marryat did indeed see the ghost, but he saw her in a hallway upstairs. He described her appearance in the same way as Loftus, but added that he saw her carrying a lantern.

The next reported sighting of the Brown Lady Ghost was in 1926 when two small boys saw the apparition.

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