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True Story Of Ghosts And The Haunted House

When my mother was growing up my grandmother's sister, Sharen, lived in a very spooky house. Not only has my aunt Sharen, her husband, and daughter witnessed MANY things, other people in the family have also. Here are a few stories of MANY that happened in her haunted house.

Immediately when my grandmother's sister first moved in to the house, scary things started happening. About a week after she had moved in, she came home for lunch like usual to fix something to eat. As she was in the kitchen, she heard what sounded like every piece of furniture up stairs moving around. She ran out of the house and called her husband. Later that night when they both came home, they went up stairs to find everything in the exact place where they had left it.

One night when Sharen was fast asleep, she awoke to someone running their hand up and down her side. She also had the covers slowly pulled off her several times the first year or two she lived there.

As the first year or two went on, things began getting creepier and creepier. Before Sharen tucked her daughter in to bed each night, she would set her dolls at the end of her bed. Sharen would wake up in the middle of the night hearing things hitting the wall. The next morning she would go in to find dolls strung about the room like they had been thrown all over. She would ask her daughter "Why did you throw your dolls" her daughter would reply with the same answer every time... "I didn't mommy".

Over time the ghost started to become more violent. The stairs the leaded to the top level had a landing with a window. As Sharen was walking down the stairs to close the window because of a storm coming in, she felt two hands touch her back and then push her down the stairs. Thankfully she caught her balance before she almost went crashing out the window.

My mother spent the night there a couple of times and said in the middle of the night drawers would open and close by them selves.

After a few years. The scary occurrences became less and less and she became more used to them. She said she would still see them often in her room but would not be afraid. Their was a man and a woman. After a while though, she felt like they accepted her and she accepted them.

When the time came to move because of financial reasons, my grandmother came over to help clean the house before she left. As she was up stairs sweeping, she said it all of a sudden felt like every thing was spinning in the room. She ran down stairs, grab Sharen and ran out the front door. As they where running to the car, they both noticed that every tree in the yard was blowing around like a HUGE storm was coming. The scary thing is though, the sky was clear blue and not ONE tree in everyone else's yard around the house was moving.

Now this next part may make you skeptical, but I swear to you my family would never lie about something like this.. EVER.

After Sharen moved out of the haunted house, she moved in to a trailer. One night a couple of months later, she awoke to something or someone pulling her out of bed whispering "help us. help us."

Later the next day, she drove by to find that the person who had bought the land was planning on bulldozing the house down that very day. He later decided that he was going to turn it in to a bed and breakfast instead. That never happened though. Every time he hired people to fix the roof, paint the house, etc. Spooky things happened, such as tools being thrust off the roof by them selves and a man almost falling off the roof. He later claimed that something "tried" to push him off the roof.

The house that the man bought from my aunt Sharen now sits empty. He has made no attempts to fix it up or get rid of it again. My aunt Sharen even tried to buy it back from him, but for some reason he refused. This house is now known by many in the area to be VERY haunted. A local ghost hunter team is even scheduled to check out the house soon.

You don't have to believe these stories if you don't want. I KNOW they are true though because I know my family and I KNOW they would never lie about something like this.

Contributed by Savannah and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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