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The Genevieve 'Gen' Lee Story: A Metaphysical Journey

Let me tell you the story about Gen. Gen is from Oakland, she is of Chinese descent. She has been interested in the paranormal since she was 10 years old.

One of the first books she read was the 'Reincarnation of Bridie Murphy'. At this young age, she didn't have an inkling on what reincarnation was, but this book intrigued her and she found herself taking a journey into the portal of the unknown. But before we talk about Gen's journey, let's find out who Gen is in real life. She works as a computer professional, she is a work out freak and one of her hobbies is the art of the Poi. Poi in olden times were used by the Maori to prepare for battle, it was a ritual at times done with fire. Gen got up and started showing me this unusual talent using the Poi. I was impressed. I have been to New Zealand and have actually seen the Maori use flaming Poi in ritual dances. Gen enjoys experiencing life to it's fullest, she has been to Burning Man, she loves windsurfing, she loves athletic gymnastic pole dancing. She was once an airline stewardess for Trans International Airlines and has been to places like Europe, Hong Kong, Philippines and Japan. On her own she has hitchhiked throughout Europe, has been to Egypt, Guatemala and Crete. One of her most favorable times being on vacation was when she went windsurfing in Bonaire and in Maui.

Gen understands the philosophy of Metaphysics, she calls herself a 'metaphysician'. She is also an intuitive. She feels she knows things before they happen, she can see things before they happen and she has the capability of seeing and feeling energy. She tells me that her girlfriend gave her a reading and healing in 1984. This changed her life dramatically. She started attending the School of Psychic Horizons, associated with The Church of Natural Grace in San Francisco. She had clairvoyant training, she practiced deep mediation and grasped the power of healing herself and others. She learned the importance of healing work and working with energy that surrounds her. Her philosophy is that we are all here on this Earth for a purpose. It is essential to clear our issues and heal ourselves. She tells me that our souls are imprinted with various energy and it is important to relieve the obstacle energy from our aura and bring in the positive energy.

She will never forget on how paranormal self-awareness became a standing point in her life. She was with her girlfriend one night. Everything was quiet, there was one candle lit and Gen and her girlfriend started talking to Bob, a mutual friend that passed away. As they carried on their conversation with Bob, the rocking chair on its own accord started rocking back and forth, then it stopped abruptly. Bob was a practical joker in real life and this was probably a way for him to communicate to Gen and her girlfriend in a practical joking way.

Gen used to dabble with the Ouija Board and she contacted four entities on three separate occasions. One entity was a little boy that claimed he died on a horse drawn wagon back in the 1800s, when one of the horses bucked and threw him off the wagon. Another time, an angry girl made contact with Gen and was using curse words to communicate with Gen. Then the angry girl stopped communicating and a man spirit started communicating with Gen telling her the angry girl was just jealous. The man spirit talked pleasantly to Gen. Her final contact with the Ouija Board was with a Chinese woman that died on Angel Island. With the contacts that Gen made on the Ouija Board, it was finally enough for her and she abandoned the use of the Ouija Board.

One of the healings that Gen has done was once when she was in Crete and she was hiking on a hill with another woman. That woman had vertigo imbalance. She assisted the woman and discovered she had a past life that was causing her vertigo. She began the healing process on this woman and the vertigo was vanquished. Before she knew it, the woman was running around the hilltop like a mountain goat.

Gen had me meditate with her and she started reading my past life. She told me that I was an old soul, that I was once a Roman scribe, that was respected and well-known throughout the Roman community. I had six other scribes working under me. I was a Roman scribe for 50 years. She saw another past life that I once had. She said I lived in 1352, that I sailed on a ship that seemed to originate from Italy. She said that in this persona, I was very adventurous. It appeared that I wrote in the Captain's log. I was involved in a major ship wreck and swam a long distance to an island. There were two survivors of this ship and I was one of the survivors. I lived out my remaining life on this island. What is somewhat interesting is that I had the fear of water when I was young. When I was a little boy, I almost drowned in the river and my dad saved me. When I was a teenager, I almost drowned in my brother's swimming pool in Benicia and my dad again saved me as he jumped into the swimming pool with a full suit on and his toupee flew off into the water. It was a comical sight, but good ol' dad saved me once again from drowning. I am a moderate swimmer now, but I still have a hesitation when I go into deep water.

Gen has seen her own past life and she makes claim of being an Egyptian priestess three times. She had laid down on a sarphogus in Egypt and the memories of her past life came to her. She felt like she knew Egyptian history already and felt like she was part of this culture.

Gen is a very interesting woman and if you need spiritual healing or guidance, please contact Gen at: metaphysician.gen @ gmail.com. She explains to me that when she encounters obstructive energy from someone, her healing process is like taking off the layers of an onion, she peels off a piece of negative energy one at a time. There are not that many people I know, that are familiar with the Summerian clay tablets and Gen was able to relate the story of Enki aka Ea and Enlil. I was impressed. She is definitely a knowledgeable lady. Gen will conclude this article in the next paragraph. Thank you Gen for this wonderful interview that gives us an insight into your life.

I believe that each of us come into this Earth plane with a blueprint of what we want to accomplish in this life, a list of things we want to learn, a group of people we plan on meeting and associating with in this life.

But once we are born into this realm, things happen. We lose the memory of what we have set out to do, we get entangled in situations and people that change our direction. Things become unclear and muddy.

My purpose is to help those who want help in making things clearer for themselves. I help clear and heal this obstacles that have hampered people from being on their true path. I do not do all the work, but rather make it easier for people to become the souls they aspire to be, to help them understand why things have happened the way they have, to heal the soul.

It is my sincere hope that all souls strive to be the best they can be and want to be. I am willing to help them do that. Just reading my words here, can impact you if you allow it. You can be more aware and allow yourself to be more.

Its all a big journey and we all need a little help to get there. Thank you and be well.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter, Ghosthunter, Demonologist
Email: [email protected]
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this story)
Be on the lookout for the: HPI NORTHERN CA PARANORMAL CONFERENCE http://www.HPIparanormal.net at the Brookdale Lodge May 16-18th, 2008
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI
Copyright © 2008 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter all rights reserved

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