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The Grave of Marie Nikum Hill

One day I decided to take a bus and go wherever. The bus stopped in front Of a cemetery nearby, so I just got off there.

While I was walking to the cemetery I saw a black cat. Well, I will tell you, I am a huge cat lover. So, of course, I stopped to pet the cat on the head. The cat Seemed To be enjoying the attention so I continued for a few more seconds, then I was On my way.

I finally made it to the cemetery at around 4:00 in the afternoon. It was pretty dark but I have always felt at peace at night.

While walking in there, one grave soon caught my attention.

Marie Nikum Hill 1948-1970 Loving Daughter, Sister, Friend Never A Wife.

She never got A chance to make a life.

Next to her grave was a dead tree and on top Of that was a black cat looking down on me.

I was tempted to pet it like the other cat until I noticed that it looked exactly like the first black cat. I was fine with it, cats are fast so I did not think much of it.

It was getting later and darker, nearly 5:00, the time when they close the cemetery. As a Pagan, I know how unpleasant it would be to get locked in a cemetery over night. So I started towards the exit.

Once outside I walked by a nice house with a black cat sitting on the porch.

By then I was thinking "Man, there sure are a lot of black cats around here."

At the moment, I thought Of that as ironic.

I chuckled as I passed the next house. There sitting in the same position, same spot, but on a different porch was a black cat!

I was beginning o feel afraid, there was a black cat Stalking me!

I began walking fast, and faster, and there ahead of me, just calmly lying on the ground was the black cat.

I ran across the street and walked quickly to the bus stop, where the bus came 5 minutes later.

I was scared, I truly believed and still believe that I had disturbed Marie's Grave. Since that day I have not gone back to the cemetery. I should have known better as a pagan, if you have no business in a cemetery, never go! I learned that the hard way.

I still have nightmares

Contributed by Ravynne Black and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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