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The Little Girl in the Room

In 1976 I was out with two friends after an English summer's evening spent driving around the countryside. We returned to my friend's house to have a cup of coffee and then raid his larder.

As his parents were away he asked us if we wished to stay as there were spare rooms. We said ok. Then he asked us to choose a room. His other friend chose his parents room and I chose his sister's room. Then I went to bed and decided to listen to a record, Elton John's Greatest hits, I turned off the light and lay covered in the bed which was quite relaxing, then I must have fallen asleep.

I must just say that before I went to sleep I noticed two interesting points that came to be somewhat important later on. The first point was that the room was larger than my friend's room and as he was older than his sister I wondered why he had not asked his parents if he could have this room instead of his own. The second point that I noticed was that the wall paper was new, as if the room had just been decorated and the room was overall in very good decorative condition.

Now back to the story. I was in a deep sleep when I started to dream. The dream went as follows - A voice which sounded male and very nasty said, "Turn off the record player".

I just said, "Yeah ok".

The voice now started to get quite angry, repeating "Turn the record player off".

I was younger then and not easily intimidated so I asked, "Why should I?"

The voice replied, "Because this is the little girl's room and she does not like the music".

Still being argumentative I responded, "No, it isn't. This is my friend's sister's room. I can tell that because it has just recently been decorated."

"No", the voice said mockingly, "this is the little girl's room, it has never been decorated since she was here."

"But the wall paper is new", I said. "You must be wrong."

Then the voice went on to explain, "The little girl was ill and her father locked her in this room never letting her out." And here the voice changed to sound like many voices which was weird. "If you don't turn the record player off we will kill you."

In a sort of a daze I awoke and turned the record player off, then I went back to sleep, very deeply.

Next I had another dream I was in a bar sitting with my friend's sister. We sat at a white table and we started discussing what had happened. She started talking to me about the room. I asked her, "That is your room isn't it?"

"No, this is the little girl's room", she replied.

"But it has only just been decorated", I said and now I was feeling very uneasy.

"No, it was like that when we arrived", She insisted. Then the dream ended.

Next I had one final dream. The voice said again "Now get out of here. If you ever return we will kill you."

I awoke and I couldn't move. I was paralyzed and the air was icy cold. Struggle as I might, I just could not move! Then the door opened, the atmosphere went away and instantly I could move again. I leaped out of the bed and ran down stairs to the kitchen. I quizzed my friend, "That room has just been decorated hasn't it?"

"No, it has always been like that since we got the house", he said.

"Why did you choose the small room and not the larger one?"

"Oh, I just never fancied that room."

When I left the house I went home and told my mother. What she told me was chilling! "I remember that there was a little girl in a house near here who was disabled and her parents locked her in a room."

That is the story I hope you find it interesting.

Contributed by L. Tegularius and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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