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House Of Ghosts

Hello, my name is Chelsea, and what I am about to tell you is 100% true. I've had many previous ghostly experiences, and I will tell you a few.

The first time I encountered the paranormal was when I was about 7 or 8. Now, at that age, I used to wake up at about 7:30 or so, when no one else was up. This was in my old room, and if you were to be on my bed, you could turn your head to face the hallway.

One morning, I woke up early, and turned my head to look at the hall as always. To my surprise, there was a beautiful young woman, all white, long wavy hair, and in a wedding dress, running down the hallway. She was running into the washroom. I was quite terrified, although I felt she was harmless.

Well, about a week later, I was brushing my teeth in the washroom. I looked up to see none other than the face of the woman I saw in the hallway, looking at me.

Another time, age 13, I was brushing my teeth again, and I looked to my left, and saw a white figure, who immediately disappeared. I was sort of freaked, but continued on with brushing my teeth. I looked to my left again, and saw the same figure, who this time, ran down the hall, and disappeared. I began to brush my teeth again. I looked to the left one more time, and saw the same figure yet again. This time it just stood, watching me.

My room, which is now downstairs is home to what I believe to be three ghosts, one of who's name I believe is Armand. My computer is down here, in the basement, in my room. I will sometimes see a white figure peeking at me from around a wall corner, or standing in front of the T.V. He doesn't bother me too much.

Another time, I was on my computer, and I saw something walk behind me. I ignored it, and continued with what I was doing. After a while, it started to put it's arms on mine, hold my hands, tickle me, scratch my head, although he seemed to like me a bit too much, touching me all over. Whenever my dad would come downstairs, he would stop touching me, and just stand behind me, until my dad left. I think he was perhaps intimidated. Anyways, he is the ghost I believe to be Armand.

Another ghost is one who feels unwelcoming, he seems to scare Armand away. Also, when I am in bed, I feel as though he is laying beside me, and I am afraid to look, in fear of what I might see. He is the only ghost I don't feel comfortable with. I think Armand is VERY friendly, and trying to let me know.

One of the creepiest things that happened to me was that I was home alone. All of a sudden, I hear this cell phone ring. Now, there is no one home, and everyone had their phones with them, and mine was dead. A few minutes later, I heard a cat's meow, and guess what? We have no cats. The first one I had ran away the first day I got it, and the other one got locked out of my house by my mom when we went to the cottage, and ran away. I wonder what all this was.

Another time, I was in the washroom. I looked into the mirror, and behind me was an old-fashioned scene, with horses running by and such. I was freaked. One time, I even saw a soldier walk nearly behind me while I was on the computer.

I often see figures walking about, especially in front of the T.V., and all about. I've gotten used to them now.

This story is totally true.

Contributed by Chelsea Hirstwood and Copyright © 2008 all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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