The Haunted Neighborhood

Okay,this is my grandparents story. When I was a little boy, I use to be fascinated with family stories of my grandparents haunted dream house. My Grandparents bought an old house in a Hispanic community in a small town located southeast of Houston. It was a house that anyone would dream of having and my grandparents adored the home and the neighborhood that it sat on, but there was something very unreal about the two. It was haunted!

According to the stories, the house was haunted by a faceless woman in white. She had a long white dress and a veil covering her ghostly face. She was usually the prankster of the house, such as turning light switches off and on, throwing rocks at the neighborhood children, and lifting up blankets during the night when my grandparents were sleeping.

She was also known to sit in the kitchen tearing up paper during the late hours of the night and setting fires outside by a tree where she normally appears.

She wasn't the only one that was doing all the hauntings. At night she was accompanied by a man in a black suit wearing a top hat. He was always seen at night standing by the mail box with flaring red glowing eyes.

My mother use to see him in the middle of the night standing outside by the road staring into the house.

One night, my grandfather confronted the lady ghost and decided to follow her into the night as she was walking out the back door to the tree that she vanishes into. As he got to the tree, he had the shivers and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.

One day my grandparents couldn't take it anymore and decided to move out for good.

To this day, the lady in white is seen walking the neighborhood supposedly looking for someone who can guide her into the other side, weeping.

As for the man in black, he is usually seen at night by the mail box looking into the house that is now owned by another couple.

According to neighbors, they see his shadow roaming the neighborhood and the woman ringing doorbells in the middle of the night and then vanishes

The neighbors across the street from the house took a photo of the man in black but mysteriously, you can only see from the neck down like the head just erased from the photo

Contributed by Tony R. Sanchez Copyright © 2007 all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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