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The Cleveland House Ghost

When I was 13 we moved from Texas to Cleveland, Ohio. We moved into a house out in the suburbs; I think it was built in the 1970's. Several events in that house convinced me that ghosts are in fact real, and apparently my sister came to the same conclusion separately at the same time.

I don't recall much of anything happening when we first moved there, apart from the fact that no matter what we did, the basement was always cold. The temperature never changed. For awhile I liked to sleep down there because I liked the temperature, but I soon stopped because I began to feel like someone was watching me from the bar. After a year of living there we got 2 golden retrievers, and the both of them would bark incessantly at the basement bar area.

When I was about 15 years old, I snuck some vodka from the basement bar area when my parents weren't home. I was on the computer at the time, so I got distracted and dropped the cap to the vodka bottle. I heard it hit the floor and roll away, and I jumped down to look for it. I couldn't find it anywhere. I began to freak out; what if my parents saw the cap was gone? They would know that I had been drinking. There it was, an open bottle of vodka with no cap -- I thought I was screwed. My searching grew more and more frantic until I saw the bottle was back on the bar table. The cap had been screwed back on. I looked up, fully expecting to see someone standing in front of me, but saw nothing. That's when I began to seriously consider the idea that the basement was cold for a reason.

About a year later, I was getting ready for school in the morning. I picked up my backpack and began towards my bedroom door when I distinctly felt a cold hand place itself on my shoulder. I stopped, looked around, but didn't see anything.

I also had a couple of memorable dreams while living in that house. One of them had me walking around in the living room, and finding a man sitting in the corner, while some voice was telling me that there was a man still living in the house.

My sister had a couple of eerie experiences, the creepiest being (trans: the one I remember her telling me) hearing a man's voice call her name from her bedroom door. She thought it was our dad at first but then realized that it wasn't his voice. She looked over at her doorway and no one was there.

We moved out right after I graduated from high school, and that's when I finally told my sister that I thought the house might be haunted. I was completely surprised when she agreed with me, and then we shared our experiences. We both agreed that it wasn't a malevolent force... seemed like an amiable enough guy. Neither of us mentioned it to the family moving in. I wonder if they've figured out yet that he's there.

Contributed by Patricia and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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