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Ghost Is A Weaker Word - Haunting, Witchcraft, or Black Magic

I am Ammaar from Pakistan, Karachi to be precise. I was born in 1986 in a village, and then moved to Karachi in the same year.

We moved into an apartment in Karachi in 1990. Before moving in, my dad and my elder sister, 12 then, went to the apartment to see it and clean it. When she returned home, my sister told my mother that she heard a man in that apartment, talking with a woman, and she couldn't make out what he was saying, but it meant something about punishing the new comers.

Anyhow, my dad had a new job and we moved in, ignoring my sister. Our apartment was on the top floor, the neighbors below used to tell us that our apartment door would unlock itself and open on its own, and then they would need to call the previous owner of the house to come and lock the door again, and it happened many a time.

I was young to remember, but my parents lived on. My mother got pregnant with my youngest sister, 4th sibling, and that is when things kicked off.

My mother literally became insane, and got confused about colors and numbers. Red and green were good colors and brown was a non-God color. She did not know if she had to put in two onions during the cooking or three onions. She would love some numbers, and hate some. She started to draw on the walls with a pencil. I remember, one day I arrived home, and she was writing Arabic verses and prayers on the wall (yes we are Muslims). I was shocked but I did not know how to react.

My mom and dad started small fights between them and my dad stopped talking with my mom and started to live in another room. My dad never believed and still doesn't believe in ghosts or black magic, or witches or demons. Anyhow, things worsened with time.

My mom started to wake up at nights, screaming and shouting. And when we would ask her what happened, she would tell us that a headless shadow of a man was standing next to her bed. We did not know what to do.

An incident worth mentioning is, that my Mom's sister and her son came to visit us. The next morning, my cousin asked my dad that night. He said that when he went to the kitchen to drink water, he saw my dad in the gallery, at around 4 am, looking outside, so my cousin joked that there are no women on the roads that late at night. My dad told my cousin not to lie because he did not come out of his room last night.

We used to buy alot of young chicks, and I remember putting them in a cage at night. And the next morning, they were as flat as a paper, as if someone had put a 500 kg weight on them. And the dead chicks were as dry as if they were a year old.

Either my family was a victim of haunting, or black magic / witchcraft, is debatable, but things were not right, and it was Not from God.

We called our mother's older brother to come live with us for a while. We trust him and we do not see any reason for him to lie. He didn't tell us anything back then, but he spoke up a few years later. He told us, that when he was in the bathroom of my mother's room, he saw a black shadowy box appear from the wall, then turn into smoke, and threw hot blood on his hands and vanished.

He also told us that one day when he was talking to my older sister, he saw an 8 feet tall black figure, standing on the shoulders of my sister, staring down at her with huge eyes. He also mentioned that he saw some other things which he can neither express, nor will ever say.

However, when he left us after two weeks, he prayed for us.. and my father's job and business worsened... He had to sell the house and we moved out in 1992 or 1993.

My mother still shows signs of "insanity", but is 99% better than what she was in those 2 years. I do not want to convince people that my story is true, because I still dream of myself and my elder sister to be trapped in that house, and these dreams are proof enough for me to rely on my honesty.

The apartment is still there, and no one lives in it, as I asked my old neighbor which I met online two years back. I often drive by the apartment and it raises my hairs every time I do. Not to forget a fact, that a 4 story tree top now covers the apartment's road view.

My email address is es_ammar@ hotmail.com, and I would want all readers to contact me, those who believe me. Good day

Contributed by Ammaar and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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