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The Old Office Chair

First above, I try to submit some stories on other site but seem like have some rule like not accept my story so I don’t know about this site. Anyway I have so many story not just this but others too.

One morning before 11:00 am my mother and I ment out of the house The old office chair on the Drive way beside my mother’s car The chair use belong to my stepdad, walk of the house pass the small trailer. I get the Image of a person the chair but it was gone in a flash.

Even my mother doesn’t believe in paranormal but she does believe in me she just don’t like scary movies and paranormal kind of scare her though. I told her about the chair and she asked me who I am see and I say I think I seen my step uncle. My step dad’s brother who died of Diabetes in 2003 or 04. …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 14th, 2011

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The Shadow Man Follows Me

A few years ago, I submitted a story called Caroline, Beth, and the Shadow Man. Ever since we had that experience, my life has never been the same.

A few months after I posted the story, I started feeling paranoid. I’d see things out of the corner of my eye. I believe he followed me out of that cemetery. I believe that he’s everywhere I go. This is one of my most recent and most terrifying experience.

About a month ago, my family and I moved into a new house in a different city. As soon as we moved into the house, I felt extremely uncomfortable. I’d never felt comfortable at our old house, but this was on a completely different level of discomfort. Not long after we moved in, my parents decided that they were getting a divorce. My mother has moved out and my father tries to stay gone as long as possible. So, I always find …

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From Category: Shadow Creatures

Tags: Shadows
July 14th, 2011


Necronomicon and the Ouija Board Demon

I was curious about two things a necronomicon and a Ouija board and I used both around the same few days.

After I used the necronomicon things started happening such as a photo of me being knocked over and this thing would call my name using his voice which was in a growl or in my gram’s (Grandma’s) or my Dad’s and he would use their voice and make them sound as if they are angry with me; and at night I would hear heart beats and sometimes a feeling of being choked.

One night I actually saw it it had either one or more eyes (I don’t completely remember what it looked like) what I do remember is that it had several fangs and horns, black scale skin, kind of like a lizard or a snake and it made a sound which was like a combination of a pig and a woman screaming.

Then in the morning I saw …

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From Category: Ouija Boards

Tags: Ouija Boards
July 13th, 2011


Angels and Demons are the Only Supernatural Entities

For years I have been experiencing things that my family never seemed to believe.

It all started when I was very young. Now to start off let me just say I am a Christian, and I was raised believing that the only supernatural entities that exist are Angels and Demons.

Well when I was very young, I seemed to be able to sense things that others could not. For example once when I was very young (probably around 6 or 7) I was riding in the back seat of a car with one of my friends and her mother and I remember I started to get this really strange feeling in my stomach and I said to her mother “There is something wrong with this neighborhood. It is bad.” Now there was absolutely nothing wrong with this neighborhood, it was a typical middle class neighborhood that I had never driven through before. It turns out thought that someone was murdered …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

Tags: Angels, Demons
July 13th, 2011


My Daughter and the Third Eye

In my father’s generation and mine as well, there is no one in the family that I know of to have been seeing things beyond the normal dimension. I am half convince that people can really see things through what we called “THIRD EYE”. I am now a 100 percent believer through the testimonies of my nephew, a child that I trusted so much that will not lie about this stuff.

When my eldest brother died (2004) this nephew of mine saw a glowing white thing inside my brother’s car during his wake. And he kept on seeing things when my parents had passed away.

What is more convincing to me is my own daughter has this gift of seeing things. When our daughter was still at the age of 5 an old relative of my wife whom we see very often have died. Days after the burial, my wife left our daughter in our receiving room playing. As my …

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From Category: General Paranormal

July 12th, 2011

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Just the Beginning

I have a complete story book, if you will, of “paranormal” tales. Demons and Angels, Satan and Jesus Christ have been evident in my life since before I was born. While pregnant, my mother’s body tried to miscarry me. It got so bad that her doctor put her on permanent bed rest until it was time to deliver me. While giving birth to me, my heart stopped twice and the only reason why I am alive today is because my whole family had prayed for my survival. Well, that and my mother’s friend Lisa (who was in the Navy and married to an extremely high-ranking officer) burst into the delivery room and told the doctors to do their jobs correctly. Haha. Anyway, the point is, the Enemy (demons and Satan) has tried to take my life, both spiritually and physically, since before I drew my first breath.

Now, before I go into my story, I must tell you this: I …

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July 12th, 2011


Sleep Paralysis and Things I Cant Explain

I have been having sleep paralysis now for about 6 years; I started to get it when I was in my final year of university and was holding down 2 jobs, working all hours and partying all night. I would get it about 3 times a week, but only get it now a few times a month as finished uni and started my career. I don’t party much any more and spend most of my time at the gym and doing sports which helped a lot.

I found what triggered mine was lack of sleep, shift in sleeping pattern, drinking too much booze on a heavy session and the worst thing, having afternoon naps. The first few times it really scared me, the first time I tried calling for my mum and I was 20 so that shows how much it freaked me out. But now I know what’s going to happen and it doesn’t scare any where near as …

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From Category: Sleep Paralysis

Tags: Sleep Paralysis
July 12th, 2011


Several Experiences and Several Spirits

These experiences are from myself and family members and are 100% true. I hope you enjoy. Sorry for how long it is.

Ok. Well, it hasn’t done anything lately. Not sure why but it hasn’t. The first time I ran into it I was either a freshman or junior in high school. I was asleep in the room that had been my great-grandmother’s room. The house is super old and has several spirits in it including a little girl, an old married couple, and twins.

I know of the twins because I’m scared half to death of going up the stairs to where my old bedroom is because of them. One is especially rude and gives off this energy of wanting to shove you down the stairs. The other is shy and seems to be held back by her sister.

The old married couple would check on my mother while she was pregnant with me. They would appear at the …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 12th, 2011

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The Old School

One day my friends (Ashley, Austin, Jackson). We went to this old school to play on the playground. Ha-ha, I know it’s kinda childish but we were really bored. So we saw a broken window and stupid us climbed in. You know typical old school. Couple of old broken windows, old desk, very dusty, chalk bored, you know the usual. Everything was how you would expect it to be. But their was one pink piece of chalk on the board. So we wrote our names on the chalk board you know for a joke. We thought about going into the hall way up stairs but got creeped out and left. We all got home (which was down the street at around 11 am.

A couple of hours later Ashley got scared about leaving her name on the board. *Note we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone. So we went back to erase our names. Ashley and I …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: School
July 11th, 2011

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A Meet with a Demon Visibly and Clearly

I have been interested to paranormal always and heard some true story about these occurrences before. The stories which are whole true. this is the first story.

I knew a farmer in a village. He was a good and brave man and occasionally traveled to city and came to our house. He was one of my father’s acquaintance and In that season I was 10 years old. I heard a story about his encountering to a demon that had occurred in his village. A meet with a demon visibly and very clear that I never doubt about it. He told:

In our village was a public bath. It had a manager that operated it from 4 Am till sundown. Before nightfall he finished and turned its stove off. In our village didn’t exist electricity and any shiny lamp so we had to used lanterns that burned by kerosene. Therefore during night all alleys and so bath was dark. If somebody …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 11th, 2011

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Haunted and Abandoned Church

It all started when I was very young. My family and I were living in an abandoned church. At first, I thought it looked ominous but after awhile I got used to it.

At night when I was the only one awake I would hear footsteps echoing, which didn’t make sense because the flooring was carpet. One night I got so scared I jumped out of bed looked out over the room and nothing was there and I still heard the footsteps. I ran to my parents room and slept in there for the night. After awhile I realized the footsteps would only come if I made a noise. I decided to be dead quiet, hardly daring to breathe through my nose. When I did make a noise the footsteps would come and not end.

After a year there my family moved again to a new house. I loved it there and nothing paranormal happened there. After another year there …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 11th, 2011


House Guest with an Occult Past

I know its going to sound weird but I believe that someone’s curse has manifested itself upon me. I have always been in tune and open minded both from a religious and scientific aspect in spirits. I am no where close to frightened by paranormal happenings. I have many but I would give one for now I feel I should tell as an introductory one.

At the age of 17 a friend of my brother moved in with us and she was living with us for a while. She told us she messed with a Ouija board with friends and her life was not the same. She said they all claimed to be haunted by a witch who wanted to kill them I thought to myself. that’s weird but didn’t pay it any mind.

After I graduated from high school I spent most of my time with friends or sleeping but when I use to be alone a lot happened. …

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