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The Crop Circle Gods?

I can’t take your story as true, and your overuse of “the Crop Circle Gods.” Next thing I know there will be a God of Light Bulbs, or God of car accidents, or God of Lightning and Thunder. ( Crop Circles ~ Messages from the Gods )

I think I understand what you are suggesting, and I simply can’t accept anything as the work of a “God” just because we don’t know for sure how or who is doing this, and what is the meaning of it.

I can imagine many ways to communicate with other human beings…, and none of them have anything to do with crop circles.

What is so important that these gods have traveled hundreds or thousands of light years to create enigmatic symbols that are meant to enlighten us about something? What ever happened to SETI? Maybe they are living in a parallel dimension to us. Maybe they are simply here in our time and …

September 30th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Lake Serene UFOs

In the late 1990s, my good friend purchased a home in the country, about 45 miles outside of the city of Birmingham, Alabama. This area was way off the beaten path, a few homes and farms dotted the landscape along the side of a winding and hilly two lane black-top road, in some sections there was only forest. The home was located on a dead-end road, on the shore of a small lake, called Lake Serene. A few other homes were built around the lake, not so many that they were close together, but a few.

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Lake Serene UFOs

October 7th, 2009 by  

Do Reptilians Control the World We Live In?

Let’s go back to the Sumerian clay tablets. Could the Anunnaki be a race of reptilian beings from another planet? Could David Icke be right, that an extraterrestrial race of reptilian aliens are in control of this Earth? That they may have been in control of mankind since the beginning of time? I must admit it is interesting on how in the Ubaid culture, which existed between 5000 BC and 4000 BC, their gods are represented as reptilian looking. Why did so many ancient cultures depict their gods as reptilian? We have reptilian gods in Central America to the American Hopi Indians to East Indians. There is even an ancient serpent mound in Ohio. The Egyptians had their serpent god Kneph and the Phoenicians had their serpent god Agathodemon. Let’s not forget all of the Asian cultures with their multitude of dragons. Some of these dragons had god status.

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August 4th, 2009 by  

UUSOS Update At Catalina Island

The ocean was strange that day, beginning about 12 miles out to sea, unaccountable ripples with no consistency and large patches of water so smooth you would think you were in a bathtub. And then the large waves of undetermined origin would appear seemingly out of nowhere, some starting from beside the boat and some as far in the distance as two miles. They caved and cavorted. And then everything was smooth again.

I am a seasoned traveler to Catalina Island and this was clearly strange behavior for the sea. Very strange indeed. Word was out once again in the media this February day in 2009, reported strange UFO’s in the ocean around Catalina Island, something that crops up every now and then. The rumors had been flying for years.

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UUSOS Update At Catalina Island

June 19th, 2009 by  

UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects Sightings

Flying saucers have developed a lot since they were first spotted in 1947. In aftermath of that incident nearly all UFOs seen were saucer shaped. Later, cigar shapes became more common. Although both disc-shaped craft and cylindrical UFOs are still around, the latest batch, seen since the 1980s, are three-sided craft. These Flying Triangles were responsible for the biggest mass sighting in history.

One after the other there were Soviet Encounters, the Belgian wave of sightings, the Mexican wave of sightings, Japan sightings and encounters worldwide. Even Astronauts’ Sightings and Military Encounters were reported.

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UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects Sightings

June 13th, 2009 by  

UFOs Over Orlando

I am not one given to beliefs in the paranormal. Despite my love of joking about a “belief” in aliens, I’ve never actually believed in UFOs, or in the idea that if there actually were aliens, that they’d waste their time with Earth. But, that’s changed somewhat.

It was early December, at the start of final exams. My honors class was out on the college science building at about 6 am, looking at the moon and stars and rings of Saturn and Venus and so forth (it was an astrology class). We had a site up which gave us the coordinates of all satellites currently in orbit as well.

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UFOs Over Orlando

April 12th, 2009 by  

Missing Time And UFOs

Hello, I’ve had missing time, and strange lights, that took place in my younger days. Once I was driving to pick up one of my checks, from a job that I did, when I blacked out and found myself back at the three mile turn off, and I knew that I had pasted the three mile turn off. I looked down at my watch, and it read 20 minutes later.

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Missing Time And UFOs

January 23rd, 2009 by  

Was I Visited By Aliens?

My story takes place in Miami, Florida about four weeks ago. I was laying awake in bed, (my dog was barking like crazy and had woken me up) it was about 9:00 am.

I started to hear this strange noise like a buzzing, but it was so loud I felt it had to be an airplane. The only thing is that it didn’t go away, it just stayed right in my ears for about 30 seconds, I tried to get up to look out the window to see if there was in fact an airplane passing, but I couldn’t move.

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Was I Visited By Aliens?

July 16th, 2008 by  

UFO in the Pacific Ocean

During my stint in the Navy I was on an ammunition ship (USS Kilauea) in the Indian Ocean somewhere near Vietnam around early 1974.

Myself and two friends were out on the Foxhull (bow of the ship), it was dark, around 9 pm probably. There was little or no moon but millions of stars like always out there.  We were in a group with a destroyer and a carrier, I think the USS Mason DD, and maybe the Oriskany.

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UFO in the Pacific Ocean

February 7th, 2008 by  

The Men In Black

I am sure that most of you have seen the movie Men In Black, but did you know that there really is such a thing as the Men In Black? It is true! the first time that the term was used was in 1953.

Of course The MIB movie isn’t really based upon true facts (or is it?), but the creators of the movies did get their ideas from reality.

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The Men in Black

January 12th, 2008 by  

Many Witness Large UFO In Britain’s Skies

Readers of one of Britain’s largest newspapers have been calling in to report UFO sightings. Witnesses are saying they saw a triangular shaped craft with three lights, one at each corner. The UFO was described as being silent and very large.

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Many Witness Large UFO In Britain’s Skies

December 4th, 2007 by  

Fairies And Elves Creatures Of Legend

A FairyWho likes elves and fairies?

Many of us have little statues, or even toys, made in the form of a fairy or an elf. They are  some of my favorite collectibles along with dragons.

Most of the fairies and elves we see in artwork, posters, t-shirts and sculpted into figurines appear to be very friendly and often beautiful. In reality, that is at least in the legends and lore, elves and fairies are rarely harmless or cute.

Paul D Roberts, a True Ghost Tales guest writer, has written a very interesting article about these wee folk of legend and lore.

Roberts tells us about the history and background of mankind’s beliefs in fairies and elves.

You may be very surprised to find out how similar these creatures are to aliens. Is it possible that the truth behind the legends of fairies and elves actually originated from encounters with aliens?

Roberts also outlines the major types of fairies and elves …

November 28th, 2007 by CareTaker 
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