Ghost Pictures from the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs

This photo was taken by Leslie Wilson of Little Rock, AR.

The picture below was taken right after a carriage ride outside the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Ar. There appears to be a 'spirit' above/behind my daughter.

The dog, a Yorkie, kept looking above and behind my daughter while she was holding him, yet we didn't see anything until we looked at the picture on the screen of my digital camera.

There was also something moving about behind my daughter in the picture, but not that we could see without the camera.

The couple who led the ghost tour at the Crescent said it was most likely a spirit who lives at the Crescent and that we had an 'energy' with us.

This photo was taken by Leslie Wilson of Little Rock, AR.

The picture here is in one of the rooms in the basement of the Crescent Hotel taken during the ghost tour. This room was part of what was used as a morgue many years ago by the self proclaimed "Dr. Norman Baker".

To the right by the large trash can, look for what appears to be a 'ghost' standing there, watching me. The next pictures I took he seemed to 'fade away'.

I heard a male voice ask, "Who are you?"...before other people on the tour came in the room and also started taking pictures and found 'interesting things' on their digital cameras also. They all left, and my daughter and I and the couple leading the tour were the last to leave. Really spooky! Goose bumps on our arms!

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Read about Leslie's experience with her ghost tour of the Crescent Hotel

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